moers festival 2024 Logo

Unknown Mirrors

Miyama McQueen Tokita (koto), Ryan Williams (recorder)

Ev. Stadtkirche Moers

"Our father who art in heaven… Hunh? Your ten is my twelve! What the-? Pentatonic or Western scales…Baroque! No, more experimental, with like, a Balkan touch maybe… Rubbish! Let's go the real traditional Japanese route with bass koto and – and… what's that supposed to be? Paetzold recorder? Yeah, dude even worked with Fassbinder for a while… come on, let's play something contemporary…what do you mean you have to go to Sydney for an orchestra rehearsal? Then we'll see one another when I'm back from Vancouver… yeah, exactly, that's for an orchestra rehearsal too…"

That's how it goes all day long when Miyama McQueen Tokita and Ryan Williams try to play together. Both, in and of themselves, really do bring special superpowers to the table: Ryan is a master of aerokinesis (alright, no big surprise there somehow) and Miyama is adept at atmokinesis (which helps her out quite a bit sometimes when she's on the road…) – so far nothing really all that earth-shattering, right? But when the two of them perform in person together in Lutheran churches, it doesn't take long at all for them to acquire an incredible new capability. "You'll never guess – you'll never figure it out!" The organist closes the lid on his HDH99 organ positive and is quickly quite delighted to be able to reveal his secret: “Port-al cre-a-tion! And that is indeed impressive. Even for those that are merely able to listen along…”

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