moers festival 2024 Logo

Shishani + Ju/'Hoansi-San

Shishani (git, voc), Vetunjona Uarije (dancer, voc), Afro Nande Nyambali (b), Ju/'Hoansi-San: Sarie Oma, Fransina Kxao, Casa Nc Emsje, Kaziko Tsamugao Cwi, Albert Nase, N!aica N!ani, Johannes Cwi, Khaum Iloce, Emilie Ilxouri (voc, perc)


"FINALLY!" Shishani shouted, upon discovering, after months of arduous travel with their rhythm section, the hidden portal to the legendary Ju/`Hoansi tribes. Concealed between dense foliage and undergrowth, the entranceway glowed in a pulsing green light. Now they would see if all of their translations were accurate – would they really be permitted to enter if they sang the words to the right melody while wearing the magic cloak? It had to work, there was no alternative. Shishani took a last deep breath, wrapped themself in the special garment and began to sing the mythical melody softly, as the stepped through the portal. ZIIIIISCH. Their skin shivered ever so slightly. And then it was over already, as they found themself on the other side.
One of the shapeshifters stepped forward and handed them an old parchment scroll: „You have proven yourself worthy.“ Bewildered, Shishani stared back at their bandmates before taking a closer look at the ornate golden letters of the legendary prophesy of the white Khoisan ​Hysh that they had been seeking for so long now: 
"ʘDaily ʘdaily
Orally ​ǃ​hourly
Incomprehensible ǁ​fro and ǁ​to
​ǂ​Immovable as I ​ǃ​am".

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