moers festival 2024 Logo

Satoko Fujii Duo

Satoko Fujii (p), Natsuki Tamura (tp)


NOT YOUR TYPE OF THING! Kisaragi is a form of immediate mental communication exclusively reserved for higher beings. It occurs in part through thought waves, and is also, for example, transmitted via the skin, though it is additionally believed to be the product of electrical nano-synapses or frequential sequences in a slice of the audio-visual spectrum that can only be perceived by higher beings of light. Kisaragi can only be learnt by improvising collectively for decades, although a pro-active practice is curiously a deterrent. In addition, the moon over the holy mountain must point directly at Moers and you must play one of three possible octatonic scales on a musical instrument at exactly this moment...and – ZIIIIPPP! – suddenly you‘ve got it down! Just like Satoko Fujii, who acquired this talent after once again narrowly missing a shinkansen to Windhoek by chance with her husband Natsuki Tamura, whereupon the two used their extra time at the station to rehearse their newest compositions. The 99-year-old man standing on the platform next to them (not Japanese, flawlessly) greeted the couple with a sort of church spire and spoke: „It was nice to meet you. You helped me quite a bit.“

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