moers festival 2024 Logo

Rian Treanor & Ocen James live

Rian Treanor (electronics), Ocen James (ugandan fiddle, flutes, thumb piano, voice)


In 2018, British electronethnologist Rian Treanor set out from Rotherham for Uganda, specifically the city of Kampala, to find Nyge Nyege, the legendary mind-expanding music drug, and thus, newly constituted as the superhero Air-Rian, to gain the ability to unite nations and continents in non-violence going forward – PAYCE! Treanor was able to receive assistance in this mission from no less a figure than Photonic Ocen James, who had already proven his ability to use his powerful acholi fiddle and his invisible rigi rigi to dissect the inaudible sound spectrum into spectrally inverted components, before directional microphones from Correctiv came along and made super-precise frequential clusters audible. Together, with the help of physical modelling, they pushed their way – HO! – into entirely novel sound-galaxy cluster-heaps that no human had ever heard before. WHOOOIIIYYUUUUHH! Hyperpolyplex rhythms coupled with sound brackets drawn from a range of Ugandan cultural eras were able to split the absent melodic nucleus of private right-wing secret meetings in Potsdam in such a way that Gerrit Huy's charges against Correctiv were swallowed by the vast vacuum of the infinite Unimoers – CLONK! SPLASH! – and – WHUUUESCH! "I always go all the way to the threshold." whispered Philicordian being-of-light Captain Niederrhein to Lexicon 480L-Hal(l), now guiding the two musical protagonists to the most marvellous little corners of the Unimoers in order to take up the fight alongside other superheroines against the other right-wing asshats and wingnuts of this world. G-D-A-Eee... CREAKKKKK!

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