moers festival 2024 Logo


Jan Krause (git), Christopher Retz, Steven Koch


Through the power of their ancestors and forebears, the Ju’Hoansi are today still invulnerable and immune to discrimination and the digital inquisition. Sometimes their friends Laura and Danny, now Berlin residents, call on them. When they do, Sari, Fransina, Casa, Kaziko, Emile, N!aica, Johannes, Albert and Khaum come to their aid, especially when German embassy employees (we'll just call them The Grey Women here) are once again doing everything in their power to prevent cultural projects involving musicians from countries on the African continent (alright, sometimes from India too, or other places…) from taking place, because The Grey Women seem 100% firm in their conviction that every last human being from the Global South thinks it's highly desirable to live the way most of us here do… "What nonsense!" shouts the old man to The Grey Women, from his all-wheel-drive SUV (with a tent on the roof), he who lived with the San for a time and crossed the Western Kalahari with them aboard his white catamaran, as he submits the following visa application:

"If we could how we should

If we had how we might

If we should the way we feel is right

then everything would look different."

While our friends nod in comprehension, The Grey Women appear quite rattled. It almost seems as if two infinitely repeating processes, akin to some cosmic law (so, basically nothing earth-shattering), coexist, immovable. Alas – ZOSH! – Steven, Chris and Jan enter the game and, from their perch over 600 metres away, intercept our friends' signals – WOW! – alter the recursion, smoke a joint under the Pythagoras tree and bewitch The Grey Women with shimmering drones woven from San songs passed down over millennia, Peruvian-Cuban basslines and intricate percussion work. The inexplicable part of the whole thing: It all happens at the same time!

Ever since, The Grey Women have been meeting up secretly in moersland (VR), over and over, in an attempt to understand the whole thing and break out of their own recursion… and in fact, now, at least sometimes, after consulting the stars, full of humility, they will grant a visa, with a little heart sticker affixed. It's really true!

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