moers festival 2024 Logo

Ndox Électrique

Ndeye Coumba Mbaye Kebe (voc), Oumar Ngom (sabar perc), Mouhamet "Sangue" Sambe (sabar perc),Mamadou "Pape" Ngom (sabar perc), Gianna Greco (bass guitar, voc),François R. Cambuzat (git, computer, voc)


AAAARGH! There are demons everywhere … or are they clones, each one the same? Stuffy practice space, sweat, blood, trance. Ghosts of the obsessive disinhibited all-consuming turbo capitalism. GRROOOAAAR! Adorcism post-industrial rituals made of n’döep ceremonies. Delivery until Wednesday, 12am! Stop – ZACK! – this self-ingratiating neocolonial postcardworldmusicbullshit – RITSCH! „Everything we do is to fool ourselves.“ Captain Niederrhein is comfortably shipping his cutter along the refugee route to the Canary Islands. Meanwhile the sea is emptied by gigantic chinese trawlers which seem to be undisturbed by the powerful volume of the rituals presented on the Senegalese coast. For years Netgirl and Crabbman known as Putan Club are fighting in electrified water against the above – Nodx Électriques. – ZZYYSSDRSS – Amplification? MORE AMPLIFICATION! Much more amplification! Rock’n’Roll! Fuck Tradition – A7 over 6/8, Ifriqiyyaccelerandi – WHOOOSH! Henceforth with the superficial tonal hobbyworldmusicsciencebluff! Wild, dark, sunny, female and strong: Amazonians against Amazon – female genius from a small part of a gigantic continent, lebou volume, musical wolof power, banga, stambeli, diwân, gnawa, spirtuality, the showdown with the evil puppet master Big Jeff Bezos and all the other bloodsucking Ferengi on the streets to Mbour, Guereo, Rufisque, Yoff and Ndar. The Great Orchestra Of Disaster featuring Netgirl, Crabbman, Mame Coumba Mbang, Oumar Freyheidt, Mouhamet van Blissard and Mamadou Thanactus take over the obsolete eurocentric worldmusic-metronom - RATATATATATA! - WHOOOPS! The young among us may remember: All this really happened in 2024. Exactly one hundred years ago in Moers - MÖÖÖÖRRRZZ! … basically nothing exhilarating but in 2214 we are still playing Ndox! Out of control in the impulsive element. Électrique. In trance. Healed. Redeemed. “Light and life-affirming.”


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