moers festival 2024 Logo


Nonoko Yoshida (sax), Loui Yoshigaki (git)


Mmmm, tasty! SMACK, SLURP! – For genuine cookshops like the legendary Kata-Inu, folks will stand in line all the way to the schoolyard. The ingredients here are trilled, overblown and finely chopped with masterly staccati using incomprehensible circular breathing energy. The six-string electric cutting board garnishes with the most exquisite chords, clusters and comping on top – et voilà! ...NOTHING MIND-BLOWING, it‘s true, but it represents sustenance for superheroes far and wide. There‘s enough to go around for everybody, except Giorgia Meloni, that is. She actually likes listening to jazz with Ursula von der Leyen – like back in the day with her dad. She‘s got no one to blame but herself though. Even post-rock would have been alright. But Kata-Inu will never ever serve post-fascists! BAM! 

Still, someone throws a fortune cookie her way slyly – W-HUESH!

„All the same, Heinrich von Fulda 
is president of the Society for Explaining the World 
faith metal and vegetables 
and invited her out for a bowl of recovery soup.“

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