moers festival 2024 Logo

HYPERPLEXIA - remapping the piano

Stefan Schultze (p & player piano)

Aula des Gymnasium

Chapter 1: The Awakening
A small city on the Lower Rhine. A virtuoso ivory-ticklin' gambler by the name of Stefan Schultze was busy doing nothing mind-blowing, just scheming up a little New Music, that's all. SNORE! However, Schultze possessed unusual powers that enabled him to sense good and evil in music. With his hyperplex sense of hearing he was able – BZZZZZ! – to apprehend the slightest dissonance or inconsistency.

One fateful day while Stefan was improvising in his studio, he felt a dark presence that threatened music's freedom: money-grubbing, mainstream, trivial. With his retro piano pre-setter and an AI canteen, he set out on a mission…
Chapter 2: The Battle Begins
While Stefan was on his way, bourn by scales and tonalities, to the large sacred Whitsuntide cluster, dim-witted rhythms, brittle harmonies and uninspired stage concepts repeatedly blocked his path – KABOOM! However, thanks to his fancy 88-key Naeser, he was able to transpose minimal to maximal and chaos to unimagined entropies, which he then immediately called into question enharmonically, of course (Db-7=Fb6enh.?).

Knowledge of Stefan's hyperplexic power spread quickly in the musicological realm, and improvisational talents from far and wide came to seek his advice. He encouraged others to use their own musical powers for the benefit of all and called this algorithm "moersify".
Chapter 3: The Triumph of Harmony?
At last, Stefan stood facing his ultimate challenge: the dark presence haunting the music world revealed itself to be a malicious conductor dead set on building an empire composed of streaming services, mœrschandise junk and annoying subscriptions. His superpowers taxed to the absolute max and beyond, Stefan entered into an amusical duel with the maestro.

Touch for touch, MIDI note for MIDI note, Stefan unleashed his full potential and – BOOOMM! – overpowered the dark music lord. A swell of liberated music blossomed into a towering, triumphal improvisation, banishing the trivial one from the Unimoers for eternity… isn't that a great story?
For their part, the indigenous inhabitants of the little city, even the already departed and those who were nearly 100, seemed (as far as we know) plenty impressed:
"If we're not going to publish the truth, then at least we can publish the reality." … and – W-HUESCH! – they witnessed the silhouette of a gnarled old man paddling away across the froggy ponds of Bettkamper Meer.

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