moers festival 2024 Logo


Sebastian Müller (git), Leonhard Huhn (sax, electronics), Reza Askari (b), Dominik Mahnig (dr), Thomas Sauerborn (dr), Philip Zoubek (synths)


The soviet colonel Stanislaw Petrow had prevented a possible atomic escalation through his superpower of official disobedience in 1983. OOF! So in the end NOTHING EARTH-SHATTERING. Reassuring, that the Super-Sixpack around Guitarhero Speedmüller still has been trained by Colonel Petrov himself, to be able to detect or deflect dangers or, when no one else feels responsible, to save the whole world. The fast-as-an-arrow Leo Chickensax and his mysterious companion Darkscary Rezonator belong to the closest circle, as well es The Mahny Dominator, who is able to fire the most tricky ions from his battery. DRRRR-KDOUNG! For their special task at Rodelberg in Moers, Fantômas Bitterbourne on even more sound kettle batteries – DRRR-KDING! and Atomino Zoubek with his Hyperspeedpiano support our friends, because the villain this time is no less than the unpredictable evil russian puppet master Gargamel Wladimirowitch, who, greedy for power and unscrupulous, ambushes and infiltrates his neighbors, steers his puppets through digital threads and – even more – owns the skills of shapeshifting* as well as of geokinesis**. “That’s not gonna be easy, friends!”, Speedmüller calls out to his companions, when they unexpectedly get some support: Captain Niederrhein peeks out his white and swimming wooden tank “Hysh1965” and speaks: 

“That some govern and dictate over all - can be explained by 
Some wanting to make history - and some being made history of.” 

“Can I fire already”, asks him the Haubitzenwitch from the sod, eager to serve. But the Captain appeases: “Think beforehand. Not after. Although the word “thinking” doesn’t imply that.” He had known Stanislaw Petrov personally. 

* The skill to change the physical form of the body 
** The skill to control earth and earth-based materials

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