moers festival 2024 Logo

Carpool Kino

Carolin Pook (vl), Sebastian Gramss (b), Daniel Schröteler (dr)


Whoever steps inside Carpool Cinema can expect to experience nothing really earth-shattering. Only that three office-bound sales associates for musicians' travel health insurance in the special sub-Saharan department have committed themselves to a nightly suicidal ritual here akin to that performed in the film "Groundhog Day". Subversive distraction from a mind-numbing job, from which Carolin Müller, Sebastian Meier and Daniel Schmidt flee in Sun Ra's car as soon as quitting time rolls around. Relieved, they race to a remote basement in the desert, to shake test tubes – BUMMTZISSSCH! – bring bubbling chemicals to a boil and pour the hissing mixture – GLUGG URRGGHH! – down their throats. As androgynous superheroes – YEAH – cleared for take-off, they set off from Rodelberg to hunt down villains, running into Herbert van Karajan, Debussy and Simon Rummel on their way. Incongruent sonic whispers from Zoubek, Fanta 4 and Laura Robles point the way to their arch-rival Söder King, who, hugging an oak tree in the beer tent, catches a leaflet as it falls from the sky and laughs before ultimately – URRGGHH! – chopping a wind turbine to pieces with the world's largest crucifix. Time to intervene and produce a gender earthquake alongside Captain Niederrhein, in order to push the fairy-tale narrative of the "Green Margot Honecker" and other conspiracy myths back into the Orcus of darkness – W-HUESH! "Upbeat and self-confident and surviving the times as always." Intoxicated by their moment of triumph, the three head back to their lab and experiment with morbid sound battens, the substance hexacyloid and intricate poly-beats until – KABLAUUUEY! – a deafening bang sends everything flying. Then for a long time there is only silence. DRIIING! All of a sudden, it's 06:04 in the morning, the alarm clock blares "I Got You (I Feel Good)", the bedsheet feels scratchy. Soaked in sweat, the three lie on a large mattress looking at one another in confusion. Before their very eyes, three riders of the apocalypse float through the room, calling to them: "No day is like another, yet they're all the same." Müller, Meier and Schmidt drive Sun Ra's car back to the office, where they find that the blue witch with a tendency towards same-sex something-or-other is again hanging out holding a sign demanding "Prison sentences for homos!" With a bored – TZZZZZT! – beam of light, Carolin sends the blue hex off into outer space. After writing funding applications and an elevator ride with violin/bass/drum ambience on their break, they head back to the hero-lab again, where they concoct an explosive mixture meant for the Söder King. Alas, the experiment goes awry…BOOOM! And then, once again DRIIING: 06:04 am.... the struggle against evil seems endless…until Carolin is kissed by the Muse. Improvisation rules.

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