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Aki Rissanen: Omniwerk Impressions (FI)

Aki Rissanen (Omniwerk)

Ev. Stadtkirche Moers

Aki Rissanen is a musical maverick, hopping between genres and styles with a playful spirit and nimble fingers. As one of the leading pianists in northern Europe, he's collaborated with many big names in the jazz world, but his focus remains on his own piano trio, with which he's played and worked for years. For Moers, Rissanen brings a brand new instrument of his own design: the Omniwerk. This hybrid, two-manual keyboard instrument is like a mash-up of harpsichord, lute, and nylon guitar, and Rissanen ingeniously combines it with electronic sound generators. In the Stadtkirche, Rissanen takes us on an extraordinary sonic journey, blending old, new, and electronic music in a way that feels fresh and exciting. He also included Ligeti's Étude No. 5 Arc-en-ciel in the program, exclusively arranged for his unique instrument. It's going to be a wild and wondrous sound journey!

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