moers festival 2024 Logo


Angelina Tashiya Akawa (voc, performance), Theresia Philipp (sax), Robert Lucaciu (b)


In the dusty streets of Windhoek City, a dark entity slinks about – the Shadowslinker! With his black cape and glowing eyes – SIZZZ! – he spreads fear and terror among the citizenry (at least that's how the mayor always puts it). However: three brave superheroes are determined to put a stop to the Shadowslinker's creepy ways: Blackwave, Philippy Reed and Woody Giant! First up: Blackwave, who is capable of paralysing even the nasty Shadowslinker with her unimposing ukulele and pure voice. DWEEWEEWEEH! In her everyday life, Angelina Tashiya Akawa is a somewhat shy reporter at the Winhoek Telegraph who enjoys a little Droëwors or Biltong. Philippy Reed is a different sort altogether: while she specialises more in stoic and quietly sustained impulses when fighting villains (with which she can shatter – SQUEEEEZZZZEE! – objects of all types, so that the Shadowslinker can no longer slink around either), in her private life as alter ego Theresia Phillip, a dynamic entrepreneur, she successfully runs a small natural-cosmetics empire and promotes her own influencer channel. Last but not least, there's Woody Giant, the adept practitioner of natural magic, whose archaic low-frequency soundwaves are even capable of shutting down the Shadowslinker from blocks away. In "normal" life, Woody Giant earns a couple Namibian dollars as Robert Lucaciu – together with all of his brothers he operates a long-established hair salon. He hears all the news of the city first before passing it on to Angelina and Philippy… When the Shadowslinker threatens to plunge Windhoek City into darkness and fear, Blackwave, Philippy Reed and Woody Giant immediately hurry to the rescue! "AAARGH!", "Give it to him!" "Take this!" "BAM!" Uniting their powers, they face down the evil villain: "YOU WON'T WIN TODAY!" A breath-taking battle! Of course, the harmonic trio manages to chase off the Shadowslinker in elegant fashion, returning the light of hope to the hearts of the citizens of Windhoek City with the help of sensitive music and cleverly set lyrics. Nothing mind-blowing, it's true – but Windhoek has been saved once again!

As the three heroes depart from the scene of the battle, to turn back to their private lives, they suddenly encounter a very old, very white man standing before them: "Well ya see, well ya see, well ya see, well ya see!" he recites from a book by Hanns Dieter Hüsch: "That is exactly what I wanted to saaaay!" Alas, when the old man raised his eyes again from the page, Blackwave, Reed and the Giant had already headed off on their next mission: Hubert Aiwanger has announced his intention to drop leaflets over the Rodelberg in Moers…

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