

Miyama McQueen Tokita (koto), Yuki Byeol (dance), Akiko Nakayama (visuals)


Japanese superheroines live in their own Unimoers: one where airplane cargo holds – KKRRAARGHH! – are designed in relation to the dimensions of arched zithers – as long as you are a member of the right koto dynasty! One where a dancer receives personal calls – RRRING! – from Fred Astaire and Michael Jackson, just to tell her what she's doing is absolutely magical! One where 2024 million colours are not just sent from Tokyo to Moers via data transfer – no, instead a three-masted barque, whiter than white, sets sail months before – AHOY! –and transports the living motion pictures lovingly to the Lower Rhine, in an expression of virtuoso seawomanship.

"Prager and Kretzschmer
suddenly looked like two kids
who have never shown curiosity for anything
but have it all figured out"

You see, Captain (Ms.) Niederrhein was also sometimes able to look ahead into the future, generally and for the Festival Hall in particular. For she knew that Miyama, Yuki and Akiko would join together in an act of symbiosis to form the super power-triangle SANKAKU, which never displays all its strengths at once, but is content to live in the moment instead. And even the vilest villains can sense that, from Frieza to Light Yagami all the way to Harvey Weinstein, all of whom would not dare, even in their wildest dreams, to take on SANKAKU. Too risky! And: it's not your thing anyways!

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