18 May 2024 at 17:15
Over many years of research in the moerslab, megabrain Dr. Zeena has managed to discover the size modification for atomic interstices – FOOOP – and playfully transcend physical boundaries. She has expanded macroscopic sound spaces to massive scales, without losing their vibrational structures. With her unprecedented mastery of surface tension and electromagnetic energy fields, she extracts the hate and evil from social networks and ALI (artificial lack of intelligence) – WHOOOSH! In her wake, great photonic storms cause the dangerous Zuckerberg sugar mountain to melt, as millions of waylaid conspiracy buffs dim-wittedly tap their thumbs on sheets of glass grown cool to the touch. This is simultaneously Dr. Zeena's birthday gift to her trusted confidante Michiyo Yagi, with whom she has shared a bond over the decades, through all dimensions and time levels, thanks to their shared capacity for subatomic thought suspension. And – ZOMPPP! – with that Michiyo, koto master and member of the millennia-old Order of the Miyagi (beyond a doubt the most famous guild of the Power Intensives) lands on Homura, a continent sprung from the intoxicating power of her imagination, to restore truth, humanity and peaceful coexistence on the fragile planet once and for all alongside Dr. Zeena, using hyperstring- arpeggios and sypersynchronous sforzato glissandi. Real talk: that's all no big thing for these two music sages who have nurtured their superpowers within the moerslab on many occasions, in 1985, 1989, 1990, 1992, 2010 and 2013. "Take that, creepy VR BBQ boy!" "AAARGH!" "Be gone from our Unimoers!" "SLEEZEFffsss…" Now, from the remains of the sugar mountain, finally reduced in its entirety to a sticky pool, a proud four-master majestically emerges all in white, white to the bone – and as it begins to disappear beyond the horizon with a HYSH!, a single sentence scrawled across its stern comes into view: “The written word lives.”