
Carolin Pook & BlipVert

Carolin Pook (vl), BlipVert (electronics)


DEETZ-ZIGGYZIGGY-DEETZ-WHOAAH! The gambling den non plus ultra. MJ would never have been able to dance like this, Louis Cole is simply too unfunky, no Japanese gaming sound designer could ever create sound worlds like these, Zappa’s basically a jokester and even the Cantina Band couldn‘t have come up with this next-level shit. DEDEDEDEBLIPBLIPBEEBEEBEEBEE – A capella Ligeti pads suddenly swing with an autotune-ish twist and the rhythmic fundamental constant is simply subordinated to BlipVert‘s will. RAGE WITH THE MACHINE. In rage with Carolin. Through-composed intuitively. Chopped up pixel-fi ne. Choreographed down to the sample, with the precise interlacing of techno. Attacksophone meets virtuosolo. Stravinsly-Pookestrian kaleidocookingfest. Redmond-electrojunk- artsongwriting beneath the Moers moon. Nursery school, back when it was still about nurturing the child. Then there‘s at least one 5/8 so scattered in its pedal-point microtonal North-shift built on pure fl ageolets that it spirals into an insane Straussian nightmare-waltz cluster. NOTHING MIND-BLOWING for someone who‘s spent a little time studying music, or just likes it – and takes it as it comes. BOOM! Laboratory accident – that‘s where the universal appeal comes from, of course! All of the instruments in the cosmos, perpetually. 7/8 Bali metal, not alla breve Rheinmetal. 
„In his Warsaw period 
he typically didn‘t eat a bite 
but instead downright drew 
his primary nourishment from music.“ 
The violin resounds all the way to Swakopmund and Captain Niederrhein paints the frigate „Hessen“ white, after it has run aground just off the coast of Namibia. All by himself. A cuttlefi sh and violet-coloured stained-glass moths listen on. And you?

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