

Elias Stemeseder & Christian Lillinger (cembalo, dr, electronics, synth)

In der Halle

Two superheroes in possession of mind-blowing Herculean talents have teamed up to form a new electroacoustic hyper-being: ANTUMBRA. However, it‘s going to take all of the multi-dimensional sonic, compositional and utopian abilities of Christian Flash Lillinger and Prof. E. Lias Steam’as Ether to finish off the menace to society that is member of German parliament Gerrit Huy (pronounced: Huiii!), for, though exceedingly unremarkable in appearance at first glance, Huy can fly, count quite well, knows cars, IT and media – and she‘s been working for ages with the New Right on a masterplan to displace millions of people from Germany. AARGH! IT‘S ENOUGH TO MAKE A PERSON SCREAM! But never fear: ANTUMBRA has emerged on the scene, to show us the hitherto unshown and that which has not yet come to pass, and to banish Huy – HUIII! – back to her own miserable dark shadow-realm, by employing a cornucopia of meta-beats, cut-ups, multidimensional structures, polyphony, collages and spectralism. Thermal blasts* – TZISCH!, Temporal stasis** – WHOOSH!, Shadow surges*** – HOOOUH! and portal creation**** – SWAAAG!. Well, Gerrit, you chose the wrong folks to pick on this time. You didn‘t count on ANTUMBRA sticking up so adamantly for an enormously colourful, hopeful future, a utopian vision? On Lehnitzsee near Potsdam a white boat vanishes in the mist on 25 November 2023 – a message in a bottle, discovered months later, reads: 

„For every corpse hides a child within 
that asks about the future 
and tastes like spring 
and then gets frightened 
and then gets frightened 
and then gets frightened 
and then gets frightened…“ 

* the ability to fire powerful blasts of heat from one‘s hands 
** the ability to slow down the flow of time itself or stop it entirely 
*** the ability to fire mighty shadow blasts 
**** the ability to open portals to parallel worlds, dimensions or levels

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