
Alexey Kruglov & Karina Koshevnikova

Alexey Kruglov (sax), Karina Koshevnikova (voc, p)


@the same time:

NOT YOUR TYPE OF THING: Cooper-Moore and Kaie Kellough are still improvising their way through the virtual moersland (VR), have been since mid 2023 in fact, when they got ensnarled – W-HUESH! – in a digital WDR cable and were unable to enter into synchronicity at the same time with super-siren Brandhy and Smeraldina Flashnikova to fulfil their mission of intercepting the private-jet pianist Keith Jah- Rat within Moers‘ airspace and musically forcing him to land on Egelsberg – STOP! – This year Flashnikova and Brandhy have recruited two more extra-special megaheroes to reinforce their ranks: the charismatic Russian note-nullifier* Harlekine Kruglove along with Prof. E. Lias Steam‘as Ether, who is capable of heavy thermal surges** – TZISSSSCH! Now four-strong, assigned to two units of two superheroes a piece, posted at two distant but digitally connected positions, the fantastic quartet seeks to master two challenges in parallel: to bring the snobby soundshifter and CO2-sinner Keith Jah-Rat back down to earth (and its climate realities) on the banks of the Lower Rhine and to make the blasted fibre optic cable cough up their two digitally half-digested American friends via transmutation and rematerialize them in the here and now – HAACCKK! In the meantime, a nearly 100-year-old computer kid sits before his good old off-white 386-series battleship, apparently entering confounding commands in MS-DOS: 

C:\>start_ Mornin‘ everybody 
Volume in drive C is FREEHYSH_C24
Volume serial number is HDH99_moersland
Directory of C:\
Wenn Du bedenkst  BAT   451 24-05-20 rodeldisc
dass das Ganze       BIN   512 24-05-20 éni yves-end
nichts                       COM  801 24-05-24 jazzphant
auf sich hat              SYS   100 25-06-05 autodelete
                                4 file(s)     099.053 bytes


* the ability to obscure the meaning of noted tones simply by holding one‘s hands in front of the pages on which the notes are located 
** the ability to fire powerful blasts of heat from one‘s bare hands

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